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Work Experience

At the end of Year 10 students spend a week on a work experience placement in the local area.  Students are given the responsibility to organise their own placements with the support of the school to enable them to gain a realistic experience of the job application process and the world of work. Last year students completed placements in a variety of different sectors, including local primary schools and nurseries, Croydon Crown Court, various retail outlets, as well as international companies such as The Bank of Beruit. One student was also lucky enough to gain a placement working alongside our local MP, Sarah Jones.

We are always looking for employers to add to our list of contacts, if you are able to offer a placement for a student please get in touch.

All work experience placements are now facilitated via the Unifrog platform (

Work Experience dates 2025 - Monday 14 July 2025 - Friday 18 July 2025

Any queries please contact Miss Sharp-Higgins (Work Experience Co-ordinator)